Thursday, October 27, 2016

Avoid Urgent Care by Warming Up Prior to Doing Your Yard Work

The cooler weather and falling leaves can mean only one thing: Autumn is officially here. Its arrival also means keeping your lawn free of leaves and prepping it for winter.

It’s easy to view yard work like raking leaves as yet another chore, but it’s also a chance to get some exercise. According to WebMD, heavy yard work can help you burn up to 600 calories per hour, which beats running on the treadmill.

Of course, any form of exercise, whether in the gym or in your yard, requires an ample warm-up. If you demand too much, too soon from your body, you might end up with a strained muscle.

Stretching signals to your muscles that they’re about to perform some work. More importantly, well-stretched muscles are more pliable, allowing them to work more efficiently over different planes of motion. Read more from this blog:

Friday, September 30, 2016

Identifying Asthma Triggers with the Help of Urgent Care Specialists

The San Leandro History Walk encourages tourists and locals both young and old to participate and drink in the sights of their well-loved city. You not only get a good dose of exercise by walking, but you also get to see historic buildings, learn about the railroad industry, and see the agriculture offered by the locality.

Walking through town on tour can be quite tiring, and if you have asthma, you may experience breathlessness or chest pain if you become too fatigued.

Asthma is a prevalent condition, afflicting nearly 17.7 million children and adults in the US. In Alameda County alone, it has been reported that about 17.2% of the population have asthma, having among the highest rates in the state. This condition can affect people of any age, and it can be aggravated or triggered by many things.

Saturday, September 10, 2016

San Leandro Urgent Care Offer Preparation Tips for 5K Beginner Runners

Are you ready for the Summer Breeze Marathon coming up? It doesn’t matter if you’re a beginner or if you’re a seasoned pro–there’s something for everybody, whether it is long distance running, a half marathon, or a 5K or 10K.

It’s not just the registration that you should prepare for, though, but also the run itself, especially if you are relatively new to the sport. Here are some helpful 5K racing tips from an urgent care in San Leandro that could help you out when you hear the starting gun and start your race.

Create a Pre-Run Routine

If you’re serious about doing well when running your first 5K, then you should give yourself ample time to develop a pre-run routine. Basically, the pre-run routine is your warm-up exercise. You’d want to make sure you are able to give your legs a good stretch, but not overly so to the point of injury.

Thursday, August 4, 2016

San Leandro Urgent Care: Dangers of Heat Stroke on Summer Festivals

San Leandro is celebrating its 107th Cherry Festival this coming June. Expect to have a full day of fun with lots of good food, good music, and equally good dancing from the participants. What’s certain is that people will be coming out for a great time, typical of all other previous Cherry Festivals.

To ensure that you enjoy the day uninterrupted, it’s well advised to come prepared to protect yourself from heatstroke. Your local urgent care center in San Leandro is fully aware of the risks of having full day outdoor events like this, especially in the summer. The threat of heat stroke and other heat-related injuries are very real. These simple tips should help you avoid heat illness.

Tuesday, June 28, 2016

Urgent Care in San Leandro: Preparation Tips for Running and Walking

Do you want to show your support for cancer patients while participating in a healthy, fun activity? The Relay for Life of San Leandro is giving you the opportunity to do so. Starting at 9am on May 21, participants from all over the community can join a running and walking event to celebrate cancer patients and remember lost loved ones. Joining the activity, however, requires preparation. You can’t just start running and walking long miles without conditioning your body. Otherwise, you’ll risk getting injuries that could land you in a San Leandro urgent care clinic. Here are some tips to help you prepare for the event: Strengthen Your Body You can condition your body by eating right and exercising. Consume food rich in calcium and other vitamins to give your body the energy it needs for such a strenuous activity.

Sunday, June 12, 2016

San Leandro Urgent Care Advice: Always Wash Your Fruits and Vegetables

The San Leandro Farmers’ Market has been giving opportunities to organic growers to showcase their produce, as well as to consumers looking for healthier dietary alternatives, since 1994. With over 45 stalls for farmers and growers alike, folks can enjoy an early to mid-day stroll amongst these consumer-friendly products every Saturday, from 9AM to 1PM. San Leandro urgent care center, U.S. HealthWorks Medical Group, however, reminds to attendees to make their purchases safe to eat by washing them well. While many myths have surrounded organic products, such as how it doesn’t need to be cleaned anymore because they were not exposed to synthetic fertilizers anyway, it’s still a necessary before you can completely enjoy its natural flavors and various health benefits.

Thursday, June 2, 2016

Drink Coffee in Moderation at the Next First Friday Coffee Connection

Spending a morning at the First Friday Coffee Connection is a great way to meet with other people in the business world, learn of new career opportunities and find out more about different companies that you would like to work for. While you are at the First Friday Coffee Connection, be sure to drink the coffee in moderation. Providers at a San Leandro urgent care offer these tips on the pros and cons of coffee consumption and the health effects that you might experience if you drink too much coffee. Reasons to Drink Coffee Only in Moderation Medical research has found that consumption of too much caffeine from coffee may cause some people to develop some unwanted health effects. Too much caffeine may cause heart palpitations, shaking and a feeling of anxiety. You may also feel dehydrated and develop a headache.